Celebration Ensemble

Descàrrega disponible en 24-bit/48kHz.


Agustí Fernández – piano
Frances-Marie Uitti – cello
Mats Gustafsson – sax
Nate Wooley – trumpet
Pablo Ledesma – sax
Joe Morris – guitar
Ingar Zach – percussion
Núria Andorrà – percussion
Sònia Sánchez – dance

All music by Agustí Fernández (SGAE)
Recorded Live July 20, 2015 by Ferran Conangla at Sala Ovidi Montllor, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona
Mixed July 21, 2013 by Ferran Conangla at FCM Studio, Barcelona
Graphic design by Małgorzata Lipińska
Executive Producer: Maciej Karlowski
Special thanks to Festival Grec de Barcelona
The music was created as a continuous single piece, the different parts in this recording are just milestones to facilitate the navigation through the CD.
With the permission of the musicians of the ensemble, the pieces are registered as my compositions. This is a purely bureaucratic convenience. The music was created by spontaneous collective improvisation. – Agustí Fernández
Produced by Agustí Fernández for Schluja Recordings

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